Twelve Tribes have hit the winning formula!

Two support bands into the night and its Twelve Tribes turn to look after the rabid heavy kids who are assembled around the stage. As the five men take to the stage, the loudest cheer of the evening goes up. Perhaps the audience would seem rude to an average onlooker, but as soon as they're faced with a decent band who know how to give their all to a set, they are utterly respectful.

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Twelve Tribes know they're good. If there was a shadow of doubt that they were not good it is more than likely that they wouldn't put everything they have into their live performances to allow people to blame their poor display on lack of effort. There's no fear of that though, so Twelve Tribes appear to take every scrap of energy they have and pump it out into the sweaty expanse of The Astoria.

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Their songs are rugged, wild and are filled with a simple, joyous passion for what these artists do. They might not look like anything much, but put on stage with their instruments of choice and Twelve Tribes become a lethal, tight-knit battle unit determined to bring the Astoria to its knees and challenge every member of the audiences perception of heavy music. Regardless of your musical tastes, it's impossible to deny that Twelve Tribes, after so many line up changes, have hit upon the correct formula for success. There is even an older woman proudly wearing a Breed 77 T-shirt nodding her head to the punchy drumming. Twelve tribes manage to cater for almost everyone (but if you're into falsetto vocals, look away now) at their live shows. Outstanding guitar work plays against the kind of bass you can only dream of finding in a lighter band. Fast, focussed and topped off with Ferocious vocals courtesy of Adam Jackson, Twelve tribes stun the audience tonight and are quite clearly determined to do the same again when they next tour with 36 Crazyfists in the coming months.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 13 available.