Fun With Feeder

The sun drops and so does the temperature but fear not as Feeder are here to warm things up. With a backdrop of swirly projections they go straight into 'Come Back Around' and any fears about winning over a more metal orientated crowd are immediately laid to rest.

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Feeder are responsible for some classic tunes and when they are on top form they are way out in front. Then again they have also written a lot of filler tunes, but for the first part of tonight's set there is nothing but killer on offer. The highlight of the first section has to be 'Insomnia' and they pull off an outstanding version of it, closely followed by 'Just The Way I'm Feeling'.

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The fascination of low flying aircraft never seems to wear off (or maybe it's just the beer?) and even Grant Nicholas is caught sky gazing! The set continues with 'Evergreen', which is great to hear, and from the video screens it is clear that the whole band are really enjoying themselves.

Towards the middle of the set somewhat predictably there are a smattering of slower songs and big choruses aside these are a little flat, 'Pushing The Senses' and 'Comfort In Sound' particularly fail to reach the heights of the louder tracks. Feeder have built their career on the blend of harder songs being mixed in with the more mellow, so nobody really minds, especially as they know it won't be too long before another up tempo moment comes along.

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For those not convinced by the newer material there are plenty of old songs on offer, Nicholas dedicates 'My Perfect Day' to the old school and the balance is nicely redressed. Towards the end Nicholas smashes up his guitar (although it takes about seven attempts!) and confesses that he's always wanted to do it after throwing part of the broken axe into the crowd.

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It had to come and sure enough 'Buck Rogers' duly arrives, there's no denying that this is one of the best songs of the last decade and it gets the whole crowd from front to back jumping and singing along. Before the last song Nicholas walks through the middle of the crowd to the mixing desk to collect a girl waving a Welsh flag, bringing her back to the stage to wave the flag throughout a great version of 'Just A Day'.

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Everyone has songs they like better than others but when a set finishes as strongly as this with two classics there can be no complaints. Feeder are in danger of becoming an institution and as long as they can keep turning out performances like this then why not?

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 16 available.