Girl Power...I think not!

Not really knowing what to expect, I walk in on 3 scantily clad girls belting out power ballads over the cheesiest pseudo-rock. No doubting these three girls have some lungs on them, but quite frankly, it's 2005 and Bonnie Tyler and Tina Turner are so over.

But these girls look cute. Short electric colour skirts and sexy black tops. They were beginning to win me over until their next number started, complete with rehearsed dance intro. My Gawd! This is Download, not Party in the Park. I mean, c'mon, Planet of Women...? More like "We come from Planet Lesbos, in search of sperm!"

Who're these guys aiming at? The 80s leftovers have moved onto better things.
Their sound is too old for me and yet they dress like they might nick some of Avril Lavigne's fans. Mind you, after seeing them walk past me later in the day, they look more like Avril's mum.