Doves flatter to decieve in an after dark set.

Appearing after dark, Doves found themselves playing to a large crowd on the main stage. After a brief intro, 'Pounding' blasted into life and the crowd pogoed along with its massive drumbeat.

Being one of Doves best-known singles, the drum-led assault was greatly received but after this, the set turned a bit stale. Not helped by a weak sound system, one problem that Doves have is they have a very recognisable sound. On individual singles this can appear impressive but over a show or album, the set degenerates into one long track.

Even when they attempt to bring new sounds, as exemplified by recent single 'Snowden' with its delicate keyboard riffs and soaring melodies, the drums hamstring the song.

Virtually every track suffers from a dull, hard hitting repetitive drum beat which brings to mind the effect of trying to walk through wet sand, heavy, slow and messy.

One of the problems Doves face is that they have not bettered 'Cedar Rooms' (Or 'Ain't No Love' depending on how far back you wish to go.) The crowd realise this as the biggest cheer of the night was reserved for its intro. Here, the sound changes to a hopeful, uplifting melody and the drums appear to become more background accompaniment as opposed to lead instrument. In 'Cedar Rooms' and 'Here Comes The Fear', Doves have two genuinely great songs and with both appearing as the finale, the set finishes on a high but fails to make up for the plodding main body of the act.

Doves are an act who seem to get away with what they are, and its annoying as you get the impression they could mean a lot more to a lot more people if they tightened up a few areas.