Siesta time.

According to the press blurb, The Clientele have been illustrating the beauty of British pop since 1991. Which is a bit concerning given they were reminiscent of a wedding band, which may be attributed to the awful feedback they endured at the start of the show.

The most notable thing about the first few tracks was how busy Mel Draisey was as she played keyboards, the violin and tambourine. As she provided backing vocals later on, it can only be hoped she was receiving increased pay to remunerate her hard work. The rest of the band looked lazy in comparison with the bassist looking very hungover in shades.

It was a very lazy and hazy start to the day, apt for siesta time but not a wake up call for Saturdays activities. There was one lengthy guitar freakout and some drums which borrowed from 'Tomorrow Never Knows', which saved the set from musical oblivion but the rest slipped away quietly without effort.

They managed to cover Television and make it seem uneventful and there is a reason why a band can be around for over fifteen years and not really scratch the surface of popularity or awareness.

If Radio 2 continues on the route to blandness, there may be a time when The Clientele will reach a breakthrough but it can only be hoped that day doesn't come.

If Keane and Snow Patrol are still a bit racy for you, you may have an interest in them but they don't seem like The Clientele who like to party.