Da Iawn!

Buffalo Summer hail from the little known rock province of Neath, that's Neath in Wales but! I know it's not grammatically correct but that's how they talk in South Wales!

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Immediately Buffalo Summer are likened to The Answer and Led Zep, and for damned good reason – they have great songs, make no excuses for their influences and the end result is one of the highlights of day 2. Energetic, electric, and in Andrew Hunt have a decent (no, make that really decent) frontman. Bassist Darren King looks like he wouldn't be amiss in Mastodon, and must have his flat cap glued on considering the amount of headbanging he did.

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A Horse Called Freedom immediately caught my ears first. From hereon in I was hooked and although I wasn't even supposed to be reviewing them, their performance deserved one. Buffalo Summer (as stated earlier) are South Walian, but you'd think they were from the other 'deep South' of America. The three new songs are a good example of where Buffalo Summer are going. Highlights were the very Southern Down To The River, A Horse Called Freedom and March Of The Buffalo.

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I'm not gonna lie to you...these lads have a very bright future in front of them.

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