Well I guess the first question is introductions...

Who are you?
Our name is Staple (Darin Keim-vocals, Brian Miller-guitar, Israel
Beachy-bass, Grant Beachy-drums [amazingly, not related]). We've been together for almost five years and we're from central Ohio, USA.

How did you get together?
Three of us (Darin, Brian and Grant) met at a small Bible college and started the idea; about five bass players later we landed Israel.

What sort of music do you make and who are you influenced by?
We play heavy, melodic, metal-tinged rock and roll...

How did you get signed?
Our management company has two other bands on our label and had all the contacts already, so we contacted them, sent them our music, did a showcase, and our first record w/ Flicker Records came out this past March 23rd [2004].

I read on your website you've done 300 shows over the past year.
How far have you travelled?
We've gone out to the west coast and back twice on two different national
tours, and done quite a bit of regional touring by ourselves.

How do you keep sane while touring?
It's so much more fun to be insane while touring....haha.

Is there anything you can't leave home without?
My cell phone. It's my only connection to my [new] wife back home, and my favourite jeans.

Do you have any plans to come to the UK?
None right now, but if you want to bring us over, we wouldn’t argue with ya!!!

How's the album doing over there (sales/reviews)?
It's doing ok, it's been steady, right now we're writing songs for a new record which we'll be recording in May with legendary producer Sylvia Massey, and it will be released in Sept/Oct.

Any plans to release it in the UK?
Hopefully! That’s something our label and distribution company are responsible for, not us.

It's clear from what you put forward that you are a Christian band. Do you feel
people put any pre-judgements on you for this?
Actually not as much as you might think....
We play quite a variety of venues, both Christian and non, and people usually respect you for standing up for something. We've found that people respect you more if you are not ashamed of something and aren’t scared to say it. We treat
every show the same, no matter the venue, we always make sure people know where we stand, that we are believers in Jesus Christ.

Brian - Staple
