InMe: as beautiful and fragile as a White Butterfly.

With recent behaviour being less then desirable, you might think that InMe would have had a fairly poor turn out for their set, but the place is packed and the crowd are filled with anticipation. The roof raises slightly as the trio enter and immediately they kick into 'Otherside', new material from their forthcoming album. The difference in sound between this new material and 'Overgrown Eden' is outstanding. The band have grown with their music, keeping the beautiful, ethereal melodies and techniques that soaked 'Overgrown Eden' but mixing it with a much more driving, forceful and emotive, clean style.

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In effect, InMe have matured and this is even more evident when they smash straight into the first ever single 'Underdose'. Dave McPherson's voice is less grating and nasal but still packs the unexpected force that it always has done. Joe's bass playing has improved by far, purring gently underneath Dave's pacy guitar. There is no sign of misjudgement or under practise.

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Clearly, InMe were not idle in the year or so they have been gone and what a difference it makes! In with a pace and aggressive assault that just can't be quelled comes the ever addictive, adrenaline rush that is 'Mosaic' and here Dave proves just how much his voice has improved. He is screaming more melodically than before and holding his intonation incredibly well.

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The crowd are wild but nothing could prepare them for the sheer beauty that is 'Faster the Chase'. I have to say that I was dubious about seeing them again, wondering if 'Overgrown Eden' could ever be surpassed, but when I heard 'Faster the Chase' those doubts melted. Dave expresses the complete despair and loss within the song with heart wrenching power, the song relates to something we all feel at least once in our lives and when everyone recalls those feelings at the same time, the atmosphere is something too magical to be explained.

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When you thought it couldn't get any better, they go straight though into 'Neptune'. 'Neptune' is even played differently and has a more spacey atmospheric feel, much like the new material. 'Just a Glimpse' showcases exactly how far they have come over the last 3 years, with driving rhythms, cascading ornamentation and beautiful vocal collaboration between Joe and Dave, the music engulfs you in an emotion that resembles the thrill of the chase.

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Closing with 'Lava Twilight', the band put everything and more into making this a performance to remember and they do it flawlessly. The audience-band communication is right on par and brings everyone closer together. As the audience ring out the chorus, lighters and hands go up in the air trapped in the thrill and sheer emotion of the music. A revived old passion, InMe have more then redeemed themselves and have proved yet again that they’re still as strong as ever. Beautiful, fragile and emotive, 'White Butterfly' is sure to be a hit.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 11 available.