Not quite My Chemical Romance but the influence is there.
Ear shattering bass reverb gets Underoath off to one amazingly heavy start. Determined not to be outdone, the crowd rise to meet the noise that threatens to bring the tent down in a fit of fury. The band goes crazy on-stage, and encourages the audience to be pulled into their enticing symphony of chaos and destruction. The synths are unusually powerful, doing more then just setting an atmospheric backdrop but indeed creating a role very alike having a third guitar in the band. Underoath are rarely melodic with their vocals, choosing to express their emotions with spiralling new waves of complete and utter destruction in noise. However, like the ever popular My Chemical Romance, of whom this band seem to resemble a lot in sound, this pure resounding feeling works the best for them. Lucky that the entire band is energetic enough to pull off the incredible strength too, leaping around and crashing into one another while performing. They can certainly pull off an incredible live set!
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Such atmospheric metalcore has never graced my ears before, it's very refreshing to hear a band that try to compensate for unmelodic melodies with interestin rhythm structures that crash and drive. It is this compensation that will make any dark metalcore band survive in the ever competitive music world and allow you to rise above the millions that allow their music to fall into unstructured noise when approaching this genre. Even a few minor technical hitches can't stop them, in this short time they rule the stage and resonate beautiful and romantic rhythms and fill the tent with the sheer emotive force that is the art of music. Great technique, relations with bands such as My Chemical Romance and The Bled and amazing power and skill, that's all Underoath need to prove they'll be around for quite some time yet.
To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 11 available.