Who needs coffee when you can have Trivium?

It's a dull, dreary morning on the main stage here at Donington Park and the crowd are looking tired - downing coffees in an attempt to wake up a little. Despite the less than desirable weather and the unholy hair of the morning, people are swarming ever closer to see the opening band for this morning - the amazing Trivium.

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Already a circle opens up in the middle of the crowd as the opening piano prelude sings gently in the background. Soon the wake up call everyone was after arrives in full force; deliciously grating vocals soar over the crowd, forcing synchronised head banging. No amount of caffeine could match the wake-up call that Trivium produce this morning and the crowd are more than welcome to oblige the lead vocalist's loud demand for a mosh pit. Even a slight muffling of crowd feedback doesn't seem to be stopping them and the dust rises from the pit whilst the band thunder on. Soaring guitars and vocals work well together to create one of the most impressive forces seen at Donington this weekend. Diverse too, Trivium show both technical and skilful abilities- merging their own musical skills into their knowledge of effects.

In the end it really is the music that does all the talking this morning. The crowd love them and the awful sound balancing on the main stage doesn't effect their performance. Things improve for a stunning rendition of their newest single. Everyone jumps and the band go mental. By the time they finish their set everyone is bright-eyed, bushy tailed and ready for a full day of music.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 14 available.