Waiting for the fashion bomb to blow...

There can be a tendency with industrial metal to come across sounding like a couple of bands in the genre, like Skinny Puppy, Tool, NIN or Marilyn Manson, however Chicago's Fashion Bomb, manage to stay far enough away to give them their own sound, even though there are the obvious elements of the said bands.

First song, 'SS' has quick deep metal riffs and fast beats, that pump back and forth after each line of the verse. The drums come across like the drummer, Dreg could well be hitting steaming pipes with a ratchet within the verses, before getting busy with the double bass peddle on the chorus. The screeching industrial guitar sound comes out at the beginning of next song, 'Low' as the tempo slows down, before the song builds up for the shouting chorus.

With a verse that sounds a little like James Hetfield singing a Marilyn Manson song, 'Chris Puncher' was always going to be slightly controversial. Val sings out, "Black will turn to white // Blood will turn to wine // Truth restoring sight // Picture punching Christ / Christ...Christ...Christ puncher!" It's a catchy anthem of a song with big chunky guitars and shouting lyrics.

Last song, 'Mold' is mid tempo with softer vocals, but still is relentless with the overdrive of the big guitar riffs and pounding drums. A little more towards Rob Zombie, and this is a better description of Fashion Bomb as a whole.

Having already toured with the likes of Marilyn Manson, Staind, Iggy Pop and Dope, Fashion Bomb are currently touring with some of the best of the genre in support of the full length version that these songs are only part of. They are bubbling just under the more household names of the genre, however this is good solid balls-in-the-air industrial rock, so right them off at your peril!