They can't even bloody spell...

Hee hee hee...Jyrojets have been rated as "one of the hottest up-and-coming bands of 2007" by The Sun newspaper. This is funny. Funny because the aforementioned publication is the most ridiculous newspaper in Britain (maybe even the world) and its critical opinion, especially with regard to cultural matters is comparable to John Prescott's.

Room Thirteen however, isn't The Sun newspaper. Room Thirteen is not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Room Thirteen does not consider employment of writers with the mental age of James Blunt to be a good thing. Also, (and somewhat regrettably) Room Thirteen does not believe that exhibiting pictures of topless nineteen year olds contributes to a forthright and informed editorial policy - though I'll be having words with the team about that one. Room Thirteen is passionate about one thing - and one thing only: MUSIC.

The same cannot be said of Jyrojets. Learning to spell would be a good first step. Learning to write good songs would be a GREAT first step. I mean Led Zeppelin couldn't spell but then they could knock out 'Whole Lotta Love' before breakfast and spent the rest of the day getting pissed and buying castles formerly owned by crap wizards.

To describe 'Hollywood, Hold On' as soft-rock, would be taking the piss out of soft-rock - which already takes the piss out of rock, hard-rock and RAWK as it is. These Scottish jokers obviously thought that it would be a good idea to try to sound like Shed Seven AND Oasis at the same time. Not a good idea.

"Hollywood, hold on/We'll be there soon" is the chorus. I'm still waiting to hear Hollywood's reply, but I'll bet it'll be something along the lines of "No, no you bloody won't".