Clcoks - Old Valve Radio

Clocks are “four young men who formed their band at the turn of the 21st century” (although there is nothing about their influences, sound or outlook which is particularly contemporary) whose honestly crafted and melodic songs had “both fans and industry bods who witnessed their initial live gigs practically wetting themselves”, all of which is very nice. However, as many of you I am sure are able to testify; a weak as piss overpriced beverage such as Carling can leave you feeling this way if consumed in sufficient volume. This does not necessarily make the experience particularly desirable or fulfilling, and so it is with Clocks latest offering ‘Old Valve Radio’. This is the sort of nauseatingly dull, toe-curlingly twee, indie-pop dearly beloved of boys and girls who frequent the same indie discos weekly, feel that Stereophonics are one of the best bands of the past ten years and buy too much of their clothing from Top Man. In short, this is dreary dross for boring people.