Accoustic Just Got Louder

Armed only with an acoustic guitar and some vocal chords that ooze with an uncompromised love of all things rock and roll, Sheffield based singer/songwriter Jay Lei is attempting to step out of the shadows of his previous rock band status with a blend of melodic rock to lead the lighters-in-the-air charge.

Debut EP, ‘Ronin’ packs a mighty punch as opener ‘Billy…’ blends a emotionally driven tale around elaborate guitar playing that threatens to explode with loudness, backed by Jay Lei’s passionate voice that swoops from intimate quietness to a battle cry with an effortless charm. ‘Better Days’ offers a brasher side to proceedings that doesn’t hold the same heart on sleeve appeal as ‘Billy...’ whilst ‘God-Damn Novelty’ cleverly wraps anger fed venom around the soft guitar strings to great effect, leaving ‘(It’s) Alright’ to go out in a blaze of loud acoustic splendor.

With plans to get a backing band to support him along with hopes of a nationwide tour, 2009 looks set to be a busy year for Jay Lei and whilst at times elements of ‘Ronin’ sink under the radar, there is enough sparkle and charm to tug at your attention, leaving you curious to find out what route Jay Lei will take next.