It’s a mad world!

North Yorkshire singer Karl Culley gives us his single ‘Elephant Juice’, a simple and chilled song that starts off slow and like a locomotive builds up to a quick fast tempo, leading the singer through a classic slice of a bipolar sufferers life in two minutes. We are told that elephant juice is of course one of those things that can be misread by lip readers the land over, for I Love You. Personally I’ve also heard the same of elephant stew, but hey perhaps it’s a north and south thing…

The song is catchy, but this is because it’s only made up of the lines, “I love you, but you never come round // You never come round to the elephant juice.” This, of course, makes the song repetitive and disposable. Musically, with ‘Elephant Juice’ you have a scratchy acoustic strumming that sets the slow to rapid tempo that the vocals follow on.

Apparently some of his other songs have a mix of background skiffle-noir, and drum and bass and trip hop, however here with the one song it’s very hard to know what else you may get. Whilst this is not bad for background music it will hardly set the world on fire.