Definitely Not A Hangover Cure

The Morning After Girls latest offering is certainly not one recommended for a hangover. Seething guitars, pounding drumbeats and screeching vocals are not the best antidote for the morning after and 'Hi Skies' is a song that certainly should not be played on such occasions. A shattering mangle of raw sound, 'Hi Skies' is rock stripped down to the bare bone and left writhing and howling on the floor and probably says more about the night before than the morning after. From such a rough, sweaty sound, The Morning After Girls almost spin a full 360 with the additional two tracks on the single. 'Chasing Under The Sun' may still possess an ample amount of gritty guitars and razor edged riffs but added are vocals that seem to have slipped off an indie album from the mid 1990s, enhancing the melody on the track and making it much more accessible. Likewise, 'Hidden Spaces' is a more sombre and down beat number compared to the thrashing antics of 'Hi Skies'. Meandering along in a psychedelic haze of drifting vocals, wailing guitars and heartbeat like drumbeats, 'Hidden Spaces' is the incomplete contrast to 'Hidden Skies'. With three tracks on a single that are so different to one another it is hard to pinpoint The Morning After Girls style, which isn't always a bad thing. From thrash rock to introspective reflection, The Morning After Girls seem to have one foot firmly in the grunge pool but like to dip their toes into other areas too. Hey, they may not be the cheeriest bunch but they are definitely unpredictable and bring a certain something to the table.