Indie Purists Beware

Consisting of an Englishman, an Irishman, a Canadian and a Kiwi, Vega 4 are undoubtedly a band with a strong mix of culture amongst them. The question is though, does this transfer across into the music? Basically no, Vega 4 instead create the type of music that indie purists laughingly mock and live to pour scorn upon but secretly they too will be singing along to the quartet and letting their stirring and tender songs creep gently into their trend following minds.

Mixing beats that could have fallen off a Snow Patrol album, 'Traffic Jam' is an upliftingly touching tune that soars masterfully throughout, taking time to throw in a rousing crescendo that suddenly softens to offer a gentle slice of intimate vocals before taking off once more to reach the epic proportions that are so fitting for this track. An emotionally driven single, 'Traffic Jam' offers the epically intimate all within its four and a half minute running time.

Indie scenesters beware, Vega 4 look set to become the latest band to take pride and place on your ever increasing list of guilty pleasures; do yourself a favour and embrace them now, it will save you months of false mocking.