Hondo Maclean 24/04/05

Having just spent three day days in Wales with a date at their hometown Bridgend, The Corporation in Sheffield might seem to some bands a disappointment, however Hondo Maclean give it every inch that they've got.

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As frontman Ben Woosnam takes centre stage and kicks the set off with "Intensity in 10 cities" - it's a good sign of what's to come from this band for the rest of the night. Hondo Maclean are a band with not only great vocals but also an amazing musical backing they leaves you feeling fully encompassed in the music.

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As the set continues with "Keithies done himself a mischief" and "Lolas pictures" you can actually tell that, unlike so many bands around at the moment, Hondo Maclean actually pack their songs with raw, powerful emotions that reflect the mood of each song. The song "Weightless" shows off their softer side by producing a mellower sound that shows that this band is not just a one trick pony.

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As the music tears the place down guitarists Richard and Gavin throw themselves around stage like men-possessed. All this gets the crowd whipped up in to a frenzy that you just wouldn't expect as a younger member of the audience somersaults off an 8 foot speaker stage in to the crowd.

Hondo Maclean a band that are definitely worth checking out next time they play near you.

To view all photos taken during this set click here. There are 6 available.