Slayer will commence recording their new currently-untitled studio album next January.

For those interested in what the new album will be like, Matt DeVries of Chimaira and Slayer's own guitarist Kerry King offer some contradicting opinions for your aural appetite:

Matt: "I've heard some demos and it's awesome dude! It's a mixture of all of Slayer. I don't know how to describe it properly, but if I had to it's a mix of 'Reign In Blood' and 'God Hates Us All'. It's killer!"

Kerry: "Well if you ask me that same question I'd have said 'God Hates Us All' and 'Seasons In The Abyss'. The new record has got some heavy stuff on it with guitars tuned to B, and Jeff's got one with another clean intro which we haven't done since... Shit, '213'."